The name of a non-faith academy school which is controlled by a community or foundation is known as mainstream primary school. The autism is the name of a mental condition of the children in their childhood. Due to this kind of mental condition, the children find a lot of difficulties in communicating and formation of the relations with others. The autism is due to the complex neuro behavioral conditions of the students. If you don’t have enough idea about autism in mainstream primary schools, then you can get help from experts in dissertation writing services. A complete detail about autism in mainstream primary schools is given below;


Basics of Autism in Mainstream Primary Schools:

It is a fact that autism is increasing in the mainstream primary schools. The basics of autism in mainstream primary schools are explained below;


  • Autistic Disorder:

This kind of disorder usually occurs among the children whose age is less than three years. Due to this kind of disorder, it is hard for children to communicate and socially interact with others.


  • Asperser’s Syndrome:

It is not the language problem among the students. Due to this problem, the children try to limit the scope of their interest. Anyhow, they get the average grades in the intelligence tests.


  • PDD:

PDD stands for a pervasive development order. It is also known as a physical autism among the students. The children who are facing this kind of disorder can’t fit into the categories of other autism disorders.


Symptoms of Autism in Mainstream Primary Schools:

The children who are facing autism issues may look different to different people. Some essential symptoms of the autism among the children are given below;

  • At his first birthday, he/she is not able to respond to his own name.
  • He/she doesn’t take any interest in playing, sharing and communicating with others.
  • A child who is facing these kinds of issues may prefer to be alone.
  • He/she never likes any kind of physical contact.
  • He also faces some problems while eye-contacting with the other people.
  • To understand his/her emotions is also a real problem for them.
  • The language and the speech skills of such child is also bad.
  • He/she doesn’t show any kind of interest towards the jokes.
  • He/she also faces some problems in order to understand the questions to give answers.
  • They don’t have enough abilities to stay on the topic.


Tips to Prevent Autism:

Till now, the doctors are unable to find out the major causes and reasons for autism. Anyhow, they believe that the genes play important role in this regard. Some essential tips to prevent autism among children are given below;

  • They should live a healthy life. For this reason, they should try to take regular meals and try to take exercise on the daily basis.
  • The parents should avoid drugs during pregnancy.
  • The parents should also try to avoid all kinds of alcohols during pregnancy.

If they are facing some existing health conditions, then they should try to seek treatment.
